Codecademy Solutions

The following are the solutions that I've come up with for the Codecademy courses I've taken so far.

They're not here to copy. They're here to study, to see how different people accomplish the same tasks and solve the same problems.

I hope they are interesting and helpful.

Language Lesson File Name Project Description
Python 3. Conditionals & Control Flow Area calculator.
Python 4. Functions Number guessing game.
Python 5. Lists & Dictionaries Rock, paper, scissors.

Top Projects

Project Name Description Languages/Machines GitHub
APB App Android "panic button" app for logging and transmitting GPS data. RFO-BASIC Available
Stereo VR A VR lobby program for Google Cardboard. RFO-BASIC Avail. Fall 2016
Project JUNE A shopping assistance app. Python Not Available
Four Rooms Proof of concept for text adventure games. QBASIC Not Available
The Fifth Room Conversion to Python of "Four Rooms" concepts. Python Not Available